Masoud Jamei Denied Medical Treatment in Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz; Ongoing Violation of Political Prisoners’ Rights


Masoud Jamei, a resident of Ahvaz, has been detained for over thirteen months in Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz.
He suffers from serious illnesses, including stomach and liver cancer and high blood pressure, but has been deprived of adequate medical care.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Masoud Jamei was arrested on August 1, 2023, by security forces. Despite his urgent need for treatment, he has been denied access to proper medical facilities and the chance to be transferred to medical centers.

Jamei faces severe charges in the prosecution, including “corruption on earth,” membership in opposition groups, and collusion and conspiracy with the intent to disrupt national security. However, no trial has been held to address these charges.

Masoud Jamei’s denial of medical treatment is a clear example of the violation of political prisoners’ rights in Iran. The right to healthcare access is a fundamental and international right for all individuals, including prisoners.

His prolonged detention without a fair trial and deprivation of treatment has raised concerns about his physical and mental health. The global community and human rights organizations are obligated to protest such actions and call for the immediate and unconditional release of Masoud Jamei and other political prisoners. They should also emphasize the need to guarantee the basic rights of prisoners, including the right to healthcare access.

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