The Killing of Taher Jamalzahi by Military Shooting in Khash

طاهر جمالزهی

During a chase involving anti-narcotics military forces in Khash, an Iranian-Baloch citizen
.lost his life

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, Taher Jamalzahi, a 50-year-old Balochi, married with children, and a resident of Khash, was killed by military gunfire in the village of Tohidabad in the same district.

Taher Jamalzahi, who worked as a street vendor in the town’s market, was shot in the chest during the incident and died instantly.

It is reported that following the incident, local citizens protested the terror and panic caused by the military shooting, and Lieutenant “Naderi,” the commander of these forces, threatened the citizens with arrest.

Taher Jamalzahi is another citizen who has lost his life due to the violent actions of military forces in the Balochistan region.

This incident has once again raised concerns about the excessive use of weapons by military forces and the violation of citizens’ rights in these areas.

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