Arbitrary Arrest of Molavi Mohammadamin Moradzahi, Sunni Cleric from Khasi

محمدامین مرادزهی

Molavi Mohammadamin Moradzahi, a Sunni cleric and instructor at the Darul-Huda Seminary in Esmailabad, Khash, was arrested by military forces on August 22, 2024.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, military forces detained him without presenting a judicial warrant and raided his residence in Esmailabad, Khash. During the raid, the military forces also caused damage to household belongings.

Molavi Mohammadamin Moradzahi was also responsible for collecting public donations for the construction of a mosque in the Esmailabad area.

So far, no official information has been released regarding the reasons for the arrest or the location where Molavi Mohammadamin Moradzahi is being held.

The arrest of this Sunni cleric has once again raised concerns about human rights violations and religious freedom in Iran, particularly in Sunni-populated regions.

Arbitrary arrests, raids on homes, and destruction of personal property are among the actions considered serious violations of human rights under international human rights law.

Human rights activists and civil society are calling for his immediate and unconditional release, as well as a fair investigation into this case.

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