Statement: Enough Executions! Support the Widespread Hunger Strike of Prisoners!

کمپین دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی و مدنی

The Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, deeply concerned by the continuation of the wave of executions in Iran and fully supports the widespread hunger strike of prisoners during the thirtieth week of the “Tuesdays No to Execution” campaign. We call on all Iranian and international human rights organizations to provide effective support for the prisoners and to demand an end to the execution orders in Iranian prisons.

This peaceful campaign, which began last February, has become one of the largest prisoner protests in Iran, with hundreds of prisoners participating in 18 different prisons across the country. The main objective of this campaign is to condemn the death penalty as an inhumane and irreversible punishment and to call for its abolition.

While prisoners have joined this campaign peacefully, the Islamic Republic continues to carry out widespread executions. The significant increase in execution rates, especially among women, reflects the intensification of repression and disregard for fundamental human rights.

The striking prisoners emphasize that execution is a social issue, and they stress the importance of unity and solidarity in combating it. They have called on all people, especially prisoners in other prisons, to join this campaign. Additionally, they urge international organizations, particularly the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, to pay serious attention to the dire human rights situation in Iran, especially the increasing number of executions.

The Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, while strongly condemning the wave of executions in Iran, calls on the global community and international bodies to take more serious actions to immediately stop the executions and to free all political prisoners.

We believe that every human being has the right to life, and executions are a blatant violation of human rights. We urge people around the world to join this campaign, amplify the prisoners’ voices of protest, and strive to create a free and just society.

#NoToExecutionWednesdays #StopExecutions
Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners
August 20, 2024
Written by: Shahram Eliasi

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