Secret Execution of Reza Rasaei, Kurdish Political Prisoner in Kermanshah

رضا رسایی

The death sentence of Reza Rasaei, a 34-year-old Kurdish political prisoner and follower of the Yarsan faith, was secretly carried out at dawn on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, in Dizel Abad Prison, Kermanshah, without informing his family.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Reza Rasaei was arrested in Karaj on Friday, November 24, 2022. After interrogation, he was transferred to Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah. In October 2023, he was sentenced to death by Branch Two of the Criminal Court One of Kermanshah Province on charges of killing Nader Birami, the head of the IRGC Intelligence in Sahneh town.

Reza Rasaei’s death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court two weeks before its execution, and it was finally carried out on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

The issuance of this sentence was pressured by the head of the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite the lack of sufficient evidence and documentation.

Reza Rasaei’s forced confessions, along with those of other detainees arrested with him, were obtained after months of torture and fabrication and were the basis for the death sentence.

On the morning of the same day, security agencies informed Rasaei’s family of the execution of their son and warned them that they were not allowed to bury him in his hometown.

On Sunday, December 31, 2023, Reza Rasaei’s case was sent to the Execution of Sentences Department of the General Judiciary of Kermanshah Province by Mohammad Rasul Haq-Nejati, the head of Branch Two of the Criminal Court One of Kermanshah and the judge who issued the death sentence.

Reza Rasaei was arrested in Karaj and, after interrogation, transferred Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah.

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