Execution of Two Prisoners in Mashhad: Serious Concerns Over the Expansion of the Death Penalty in Iran

رمضان غلامیان

The death sentences of two prisoners, named Ramazan Gholamiyan and Mosa Najjar, were carried out on July 24, 2024, in Mashhad Central Prison. These two individuals had previously been sentenced to Qesas (retribution in kind) for intentional murder.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the executions took place on the morning of Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

The identities of the executed prisoners have been confirmed as Ramazan Gholamiyan, 32, and Mosa Najjar, 38, both residents of Mashhad. They were convicted of “intentional murder” and sentenced to Qesas.

An informed source regarding the execution told the Iran Human Rights Organization: “Mosa Najjar was accused of killing a motorcyclist with a knife during an altercation in July 2021 in Khaleq Abad, Mashhad. Ramazan Gholamiyan had been arrested about two years ago on charges of intentional murder and was sentenced to Qesas.”

It is noteworthy that the lack of differentiation between various types of homicide in Iran’s criminal laws leads to the issuance of the death penalty for any kind of murder, without considering the motive and severity of the crime. This judicial practice has raised serious concerns about the expansion of the death penalty in the country.

These executions come amid a significant increase in the number of executions in Iran in recent years. This alarming trend indicates the Iranian government’s disregard for its international human rights commitments and its unwillingness to reform its criminal laws.

The international community and human rights organizations have repeatedly warned against the expansion of the death penalty in Iran and have called for the abolition of this cruel, inhuman, and irreversible punishment. All governments and international bodies must take necessary actions to halt this horrific trend and support the rights of prisoners.

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