Porter Dies in the Heights of the Baneh Border Area


Naser Osmani, a 42-year-old porter from Sardasht, died on July 31st, 2024, due to a fall from a height at the Baneh border, and Asad Afranjeh, another porter from Marivan, was killed on the same day by direct military gunfire.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Naser Osmani, who was married and had one child, lost his life while working as a porter in the border heights of Baneh. His body has not yet been handed over to his family.

On the same day, another porter named Asad Afranjeh from the village of Siyanav, a suburb of Marivan, was killed by military gunfire at the border of this county.

Portering, as the only source of income for many families in border areas, has become a compulsory job due to the lack of suitable employment opportunities. However, these individuals not only struggle with economic problems but are also at risk of falling from heights, being shot, landmine explosions, and natural disasters.

Shooting at porters and such incidents are clear violations of human rights and the right to life. These actions not only cause suffering and grief in the victims’ families but also contribute to social and economic instability in border areas.

The international community and human rights organizations are obligated to address this issue and urge the Iranian government to end the violence against porters and create necessary conditions for employment and improved living conditions for people in border areas. Additionally, the perpetrators of these crimes must be identified and punished to prevent the recurrence of such tragic events.


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