Ardabil Woman Arrested for Disobeying Hijab Mandate


The Deputy of Crime Prevention in Ardabil’s Prosecutor’s Office has reported the arrest of a woman in the city. According to judicial authorities, the woman is accused of “defying the hijab mandate and creating and sharing semi-nude images of herself on social media.”

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, judicial authorities claim that the woman is a non-resident who has “offended public decency” by posting these images.

Following this claim, security forces arrested the individual at her residence in one of Ardabil’s neighborhoods.

The report does not specify the exact identity of the arrested woman, the detailed reasons for her arrest, or her current place of detention.

The arrest of citizens for not adhering to mandatory hijab laws is a contentious human rights issue in many societies. This topic has garnered significant attention from the media and human

rights activists in recent years, particularly in some Islamic countries, including Iran.

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