Military Raid Religious School in Rigan and Arresting Students

حافظ صدیق شهیکی

Military forces raided a Sunni religious school in Rigan County, arresting several students without birth certificate along with the school’s principal, and transferred them to an undisclosed location.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Sunday, July 28, 2024, military forces entered the school without presenting a judicial warrant, using force and violence to detain the students.

The school’s principal, Hafez Sediq Shahiki, is among the detainees. These young students, mostly under 18, were targeted due to their lack of official birth certificate.

A knowledgeable source reported to the Campaign that military forces insulted and humiliated the students during the arrest. Additionally, Hafez Sediq Shahiki had previously been threatened by security forces for protesting the demolition of a prayer hall in the area.

There is currently no precise information on the number of students arrested or their whereabouts. The families of these students are concerned about their loved ones and are demanding their immediate and unconditional release.

This military action has heightened concerns about the situation of religious minorities in Iran, particularly the Sunni community. Human rights activists have condemned this act as a blatant violation of human rights and religious freedoms.

The civil and human rights communities are calling for the condemnation of this illegal act and the immediate and unconditional release of the detained students. They are also urging international organizations to show sensitivity to this issue and take action to secure the release of these individuals.

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