Arrest of an Iranian Baloch Citizen with Mental Health Issues in Nahug, Saravan

عبدالخالق گمشادزهی

On July 23, 2024, an Iranian Baloch citizen named Abdolkhalegh Gomshadzahi was arrested by security forces in Nahug, Saravan, and taken to an unknown location.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Mr. Gomshadzahi suffers from mental health issues, has a red card indicating his condition, and has a history of hospitalization due to psychiatric illness and heart problems.

There is currently no information on the reason for his arrest, the charges against him, or his whereabouts.

The arrest of an individual with mental health issues, especially without providing any explanation, raises serious concerns about the human rights situation in Iran, particularly concerning ethnic minorities like the Baloch.

People with mental health issues should receive the necessary support and care, not be subjected to arrest and mistreatment.

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