Execution of Amin Mousavi-Bakhshayesh in Tabriz Central Prison

امین موسوی‌بخشایش

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the execution of 28-year-old Amin Mousavi-Bakhshayesh was carried out in Tabriz Central Prison.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Mr. Mousavi-Bakhshayesh was arrested four years ago on charges of premeditated murder during a dispute and was sentenced to death.

Despite three months passing, the execution was not reported by Iranian media or official sources.

This issue once again raises concerns about the use of the death penalty in Iran, especially for crimes like murder, where the severity, circumstances, and motives of the accused are not considered.

The absence of a grading system for the murder in Iran leads to the issuance of death sentences for any type of murder, regardless of the circumstances and motives of the perpetrator. This is a gross violation of human rights, particularly the right to life.

Human rights organizations are calling for the abolition of the death penalty in Iran and its replacement with alternative punishments that are proportionate to the crime.

We hope that through the ongoing efforts of human rights activists and increased public awareness, we will see the end of this inhumane punishment in Iran.

Source: Iranian Human Rights Organization.

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