Execution of Kamran Sheikheh, Kurdish Political Prisoner, Amidst New Wave of Executions in Iran

کامران شیخه

In the ongoing wave of widespread executions in Iran, Kamran Sheikheh, a Sunni Kurdish political prisoner, was executed in Urmia Central Prison on the morning of Thursday, July 25, 2024. This execution comes as at least 20 people have been executed in various prisons across Iran over the past six days.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Kamran Sheikh, along with six others, was arrested in 2010 and sentenced to death on ambiguous charges following confessions obtained under torture.

Despite the Supreme Court overturning these sentences, they were reissued and carried out in recent months.

Kamran Sheikheh, along with Farhad Salimi, Davood Abdollahi, Ayoub Karimi, Anwar Khazri, Qasem Abesteh, and Khosrow Basharat, was arrested in February 2010. Based on confessions made under torture and without a fair trial, they were sentenced to death in March 2016 by Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh.

Although the Supreme Court initially overturned these sentences, they were reissued in 2019 by Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court, presided over by Abolqasem Salavati.

The six co-defendants of Kamran Sheikheh were executed between November 2023 and April 2024.

It is believed that the number of individuals executed this morning in Urmia Central Prison may be more than one.

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