Mohsen Omrani, Teacher Union Activist, Sentenced to Another Year in Prison

محسن عمرانی

Mohsen Omrani, a board member of the Bushehr Province Teachers’ Union, has been sentenced to an additional year in prison by the Revolutionary Court of this city.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, this new sentence was issued following the charge of “propaganda against the regime.”

Mr. Omrani had previously been sentenced in October 2023, along with three other board members of the Bushehr Province Teachers’ Union, to two years of imprisonment, confiscation of property, and a three-year ban on educational activities.

Additionally, he, along with two other union activists, had been sentenced to pay a fine of twelve million tomans for participating in teachers’ union protests, but they were acquitted in the appeal court.

Mohsen Omrani has a history of multiple arrests and convictions due to his union activities.

It is worth noting that issuing prison sentences and activity restrictions for union and civil activists in Iran is a concerning trend and a clear violation of freedom of expression and the right to organize.

Human rights activists and supporters of the teachers’ community have deemed this sentence unjust and contrary to Mr. Omrani’s legal and civil rights, calling for its annulment.

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