Shakila Monfared, Political Prisoner, Arrested During Medical Leave and Transferred to Evin Prison

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Shakila Monfared, a political prisoner who was on medical leave, was arrested and transferred to Evin Prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, despite her treatment being incomplete. She was detained with violence after appearing at the Eighth District Prosecutor’s Office in Tehran.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ms. Monfared had requested an extension of her medical leave from the prosecutor’s office to complete her treatment. Despite initial approval, she was arrested at the prosecutor’s office and transferred to prison.

Shakila Monfared has been imprisoned since September 2020 and has been sentenced to more than 8 years in total. Her charges include “propaganda activities against the regime,” “insulting Islamic sanctities,” “membership in opposition groups,” “spreading lies,” and “assembly and collusion to commit crimes against national security.”

This civil activist was previously granted a five-day medical leave on June 23.

Her forced arrest and transfer to prison occurred despite her treatment being unfinished and she was subjected to violence during her arrest.

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