Karim Esmaeilzadeh, Azerbaijani Activist, Transferred to Hospital Due to Deteriorating Health

کریم اسماعیل‌زاده

Karim Esmaeilzadeh, an athlete and Azerbaijani (Turk) activist who was imprisoned in Tabriz Central Prison, was transferred to Imam Reza Hospital in Tabriz due to severe stomach pain and deteriorating health.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, this transfer occurred following protests by imprisoned activists in Tabriz Central Prison and the worsening physical condition of Mr. Esmaeilzadeh.

Karim Esmaeilzadeh was arrested by security forces and transferred to Tabriz Central Prison on April 17, 2024.

He had been sentenced to six months of imprisonment on charges related to his civil activities.

Human rights activists had expressed concern about Karim Esmaeilzadeh’s condition in prison and had called for immediate medical attention for him.

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