Narges Malekzadeh, Teachers’ Union Activist, Summoned to Tehran Cyber Crimes Prosecutor’s Office

دادسرای جرایم رایانه‌ای تهران

Narges Malekzadeh, a teacher and teachers’ union activist, has been summoned to the Tehran Cyber Crimes Prosecutor’s Office on charges of “reporting false information” and “spreading lies.”

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ms. Malekzadeh is required to appear at the prosecutor’s office on June 30, 2024. This case has been initiated following a complaint by the Ministry of Education against this union activist.

No further details about this case, including specific instances of “reporting false information” and “spreading lies” by Ms. Malekzadeh, have been released yet.

Narges Malekzadeh is a well-known teachers’ union activist in Iran with a history of arrests and involvement in teachers’ unions.

Teachers’ union activists are calling for the cancellation of Narges Malekzadeh’s summons and the release of all union and civil activists in Iran.

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