Sirous Fathi Transferred to Rasht Intelligence Detention Center

سیروس فتحی شریفه محمدی

Sirous Fathi, the husband of imprisoned labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, who was arrested on June 11, 2024, in Rasht, has been transferred to the city’s intelligence detention center.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Mr. Fathi was arrested by security forces two days after his wife’s court hearing while he was following up on her situation.

The reasons for his arrest and the charges against him are still unknown. It is reported that security forces have told Mr. Fathi’s family not to seek any information about him for a week.

The couple’s 12-year-old child has been staying at a relative’s house since the father’s arrest.

Sharifeh Mohammadi, Sirous Fathi’s wife, has been held in Lakan Prison in Rasht since November 25, 2023. The charges against Ms. Mohammadi have not been officially announced, but they are said to be related to her labor activism.

The arrest of these two labor activists comes amidst increased security crackdowns on labor activists, teachers, and retirees in Iran in recent months.

The situation of these two labor activists has raised significant concerns about human rights conditions in Iran.

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