Arrest of Two Citizens in Kamyaran and Sanandaj; Uncertainty After More Than Three Months

حسین ساعد موچشی و مصطفی ظاهرظهور

It has been 115 days since the arrest of two Iranian Kurds, Hossein Saeed Moocheshi and Mostafa Zaher Zohur, and their families remain completely unaware of their fate and condition.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Saeed Moocheshi, from the city of Moochesh in Kamyaran, and Zaher Zohur, a civil activist from Sanandaj, were separately arrested by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location.

Reports indicate that the arrests of these two citizens took place on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, without presenting a court order and at their private residences.

There is currently no information available about their status, whereabouts, or the charges against them.

In recent months, there have been numerous cases of citizens being arrested in various parts of Iran, who unfortunately remain in a state of limbo. These individuals have been detained by security forces without a court order or knowledge of the charges against them and have been taken to unknown locations.

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