Tataloo Sentenced to Imprisonment and Additional Punishments

امیرحسین مقصودلو و الهام رحیمی‌فر

Following the court sessions addressing the charges against Amirhossein Maghsoudloo, known as Tataloo, he has been sentenced to imprisonment and additional punishments.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Elham Rahimi-Far, Tataloo’s defense lawyer, confirmed the news but refrained from disclosing details of the sentences. She stated, “My client has been sentenced to both long-term and short-term imprisonment and additional punishments.”

Reports indicate that Tataloo’s charges include encouraging the youth to corruption and debauchery and providing conditions for it, engaging in propaganda activities against the regime, running a gambling website, encouraging others to gamble, publishing obscene content in the form of music videos and songs, inciting and inviting his audience to commit immoral crimes, drug use, gathering and conspiring against national security by advising his fans, and conducting educational and promotional activities contrary to Islamic law.

It is worth mentioning that the court sessions for this case were held in Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari from March 4, 2024, to May 7, 2024,

Tataloo, who had previous judicial encounters due to his activities, was arrested by Turkish police transferred to Iran in December 2023.

The issued sentence for this controversial singer has received widespread attention in the media and on social networks.

The sentence is not final and can be appealed.

The exact details of the sentences, including the duration of imprisonment and the nature of the additional punishments, have not yet been officially released.

Due to the unique character of the accused and the severe charges against him, this case has been highly sensitive and has drawn public attention.

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