Jomaa Torkamani and Ahmad Torkamani Were Released

جمعه ترکمانی و احمد ترکمانی

Jomaa Torkamani and Ahmad Torkamani, who were arrested during a gathering and sit-in by the people of Rameshk, were released on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, these two individuals were arrested by the Ghal-e-Ganj Intelligence Department forces in front of the Rameshk Copper Mine on May 13th, 2024.

Their arrest coincided with the gathering and sit-in of the people of Rameshk in protest against the situation at the Rameshk Copper Mine, unemployment, and the livelihood problems of the region’s residents.

The exact reasons for their arrest and the charges against them are still unknown.

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