Arrest of Sosan Hassanzadeh, Civil Activist and Kurdish Language Instructor

سوسن حسن‌زاده

Sosan Hassanzadeh, a civil activist and Kurdish language instructor, was arrested by agents from the Intelligence Office of Bukan on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, informed sources say that agents stormed Ms. Hassanzadeh’s home with eight vehicles and violently arrested her.

As of now, there is no information available regarding the reason for her arrest, the charges against her, her whereabouts, or her condition.

Ms. Hassanzadeh’s family is actively seeking information about her situation.

It is worth noting that in recent months, many civil and cultural activists in Iranian Kurdistan have been arrested for their peaceful activities.

The arrest of Sosan Hassanzadeh is a blatant violation of human rights and freedom of expression. We strongly condemn this action and call for her immediate and unconditional release.

We also urge the security and judicial authorities to stop harassing and arbitrarily detaining civil activists and to respect their basic rights.

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