Arrest of Two Iranian Kurds in Paveh

آروین اقبالی و صهیب اقبالی

Two Iranian Kurds, Arvin Eghbali and Soheib Eghbali, have been arrested in Paveh by security forces.

According to the Campaign to Defend Civil and Political Prisoners, Arvin Eghbali, son of Hoshyar, and Soheib Eghbali, son of Mozaffar, were arrested by security forces without a judicial warrant and were transferred to one of Kermanshah’s security detention centers on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.

As of the time of this report, there is no information available regarding the arresting authority, their whereabouts, or the charges against these two citizens.

The arrest of these two Iranian Kurds occurs amid a recent increase in the number of arrests and prison sentences for political and civil activists in Iran.

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