Arrest of Four Baluchi in Rasak; 28 Days of Unawareness and Inappropriate Conditions for One of the Detainees

سلمان دهانی

Four Iranian Baluchi named Salman Dehani, Nazar Mohammad Dehani, Amin Dehani, and Vahid Dehani have been detained by the Intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guards in Rasak County for 28 days, and there is no information about their condition.

According to the Campaign for Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Salman Dehani is physically disabled due to a traffic accident and is being detained without receiving medical attention.

The identities of these four Baluchis are as follows: Salman Dehani, son of Shahdad; Nazar Mohammad and Amin Dehani, both sons of Mullah Abdul Sattar from Mirdowk; and Vahid Dehani, son of Miran from the village of Kheyrin Patan, located in the Parud district of Rasak County.

Reports indicate that the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence forces raided three villages in the Parud district of Rasak County on and violently arrested these citizens on April 15th, 2024.

The families of these individuals have been pursuing their release, but so far, they have not achieved any results.

Concerns about the condition of these citizens, especially Salman Dehani, who requires medical care due to his disability, have increased.

As of the preparation of this report, there is no information available about detaining authority, place of detention or the charges against these citizens.

Human rights activists demand the immediate release of these Baluchis and respect for their rights during detention.

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