Kurdish Porter Killed by Direct Fire from Military Forces in Baneh

جلال سهرابی

Jalal Sohrabi, a porter from the city of Baneh, lost his life as a result of direct shooting by border guards in the border area of this city

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the incident took place on May 2, 2024, in the border area of “Soworkeo”. During this shooting, a group of porters were targeted by bullets, unfortunately, Jalal Sohrabi lost his life.

Jalal Sohrabi, approximately 40 years old, married with two children, was from the village of “Tajan” in the suburbs of Baneh.

It is worth mentioning that this porter had also been injured by border guards at the same border nine months ago.

The main reason for people turning to porterage is the lack of suitable job opportunities and sufficient income in border areas.

Life-threatening dangers: As mentioned, porters are always exposed to life-threatening dangers resulting from accidents, clashes with border forces, and landmines.

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