Execution of Five Inmates in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad, Including an Afghan National


The death sentences of five inmates, who had previously been sentenced to death for drug-related offenses, were carried out in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, five inmates were executed at dawn on Monday April 15th, 2024. The identities of these individuals have not been officially announced so far.

Sources informed the campaign that four of these inmates were from Mashhad, and one was an Afghan national.

These executions occurred amid recent reports of an increase in the number of executions in Iran, particularly for drug-related offenses.

Human rights organizations have repeatedly criticized the extensive use of the death penalty in Iran and the failure to comply with international standards in the legal process and execution of death sentences.

Amnesty International reported in 2023 that Iran had the highest number of executions worldwide after China in 2022.

The report also noted that many executions in Iran take place in secrecy and without adherence to the principles of fair trial.

Human rights activists are calling for the abolition of the death penalty in Iran and the establishment of a judicial system based on justice and respect for human rights.

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