Two Porters were Wounded in the Nosud Border Areas


Akbar Raznahan and Delawar Faramarzi, two Porters from one of Paveh villages, were injured after armed forces shot at a group of Porters.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, two porters named Akbar Raznahan and Delavar Faramarzi from the village of “Tin” in the suburbs of Paveh were injured by armed forces on the evening of Thursday, January 11th, 2024.

According to this report, Akbar Raznahan suffered a fracture in his leg and Delavar Faramarzi was also severely injured in the leg due to the impact of many bullets.

Porter is not a real job and very difficult that people in border areas turn to due to the lack of job opportunities, and dozens of people are killed or injured every year in the face of natural hazards or due to the firing of border guards.

The three provinces of Kurdistan, Kermanshah and West Azerbaijan in the border zone of Iran with Iraq and Turkey are the main places of activity of people who turn to porter job due to the lack of employment and extensive economic problems.

Every year, tens of porters are killed or injured due to direct firing by border guards, cold, drowning in the river and falling from a height.

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