Bukan Criminal Court; Masoud Darsanj was Sentenced to Two Years and Seven Months of Imprisonment

مسعود دارسنج

Bukan Criminal Court sentenced Masoud Darsanj to two years and seven months of imprisonment. He was previously tried for charges such as being a member of one of the opposition parties,
participating in protests and sending videos and news to opposition media, writing slogans and distributing leaflets.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in late April 2023, Masoud Darsanj, a Bukan native, was sentenced to two years and seven months of imprisonment after a trial in Branch 101 of the city Criminal Court.

According to this report, it is stated that verdict for Masoud Darsanj is based on the charges (membership in one of the opposition parties), (participating in protests and sending videos and news to hostile media), (writing slogans and distributing leaflets), but there is no information about the legal precedents of his accusations.

It is necessary to mention that Masoud Darsanj was arrested by the security forces in Bukan city on Sunday January 15th, 2023. After being transferred to the central detention center of one of the security agencies and going through the interrogation and examination process, about 1 month later was released on 350 million Tomans bail.

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