Sealing Four Business on the Charge of “Holding a Different Dances and Live Improper Music Event” in Abadanan and Kashan


The Police Force Department of Supervision of Public Places in Abadan and Kashan cities sealed off four businesses and prevented them from continuing their business.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in the late hours of Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st, 2023, three cafes and restaurants in Abadan city were sealed due to (holding a mixed gender ceremony), (dancing and playing improper music). This was by the order of the headquarters of Amer Be Maruf and Department of Supervision of Public Places of the police force in this city.

According to the announcement of Abadan city’s Amer Be Maruf and Nahi Az Monker group (Commanding the good and forbidding the bad) headquarters: “Last night and today, three cafes were closed due to (immoral violations), (holding mixed gender ceremonies), (dancing and live music), by the premises department.

The (Commanding the good and forbidding the bad) headquarters in Abadan city further threatened the business: “If they do not observe Islamic affairs, the violators will be dealt with.”

Tasnim news agency also added in a news; On Friday, March 31st, 2023, one of the tourist complexes in Kashan city of Isfahan province was sealed due to what was mentioned as (non-observance of Islamic customs by clients and sometimes employees) by the officers of the premises supervision department of the police force.

In the explanation of this news, it was also announced: “This tourism complex in Kashan city has been sealed due to (non-observance of Islamic affairs) according to the field investigations conducted by (executive institutions).”

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