یکشنبه 8 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 03:46

کلیدواژه: interrogation

معصومه سلیمانی

Masoumeh Soleimani was Arrested by the Security Forces in Khorramabad

Masoume Soleimani, a wrestling coach and referee, a resident of Khorramabad, was arrested by the security forces and taken to an unknown location. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners,...
علی جهانیان

Ali Jahanian, a Poet and Political Activist, was Arrested by the Nahavand Ministry of Intelligence

Nahavand Ministry of Intelligence arrested poet and political activist Ali Jahanian and transferred him to an unknown place. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ali Jahanian, a poet and...
عبدالله مومنی

Abdullah Momeni was Arrested by Security Forces in Tehran

Security forces in Tehran arrested Abdullah Momeni, a political activist. He was arrested in his own home. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on the morning of Thursday April...
ستایش داروغه و ستایش امیری

The Arrest of Three Girls in Connection with “Serial Poisonings” by the Security Forces in Lorestan

Irfaneh Honar, Setayesh Darogheh and Setayesh Amiri were arrested by the security forces in connection with the serial poisonings in Lorestan and were taken to the quarantine ward of Adel Abad prison in Shiraz. According...
استان قم

Arrest of Several Citizens Following a Clash With (Amer Be Maruf – Ordering Good) Staff in Qom

Police officers in Qom province arrested several women after a fight with (Amer Be Maruf). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in recent days, several citizens were arrested by...
هژیر باخویشی

Tehran Revolutionary Court; A Court Hearing was Held on Hojir Bakhoishi’s Charges

The court hearing for Hojir Bakhoishi's charges was held at the branch of Tehran Revolutionary Court. He was previously accused of conspiring and colluding against the security of the country. According to the Campaign for...

Nationwide Protests; Six Citizens Were Arrested in Zanjan Province on the Charge of “Writing Slogans”.

Intelligence forces of IRGC have arrested several citizens in Zanjan province. They have been accused of writing slogans on the wall. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; In recent...
اعتراض‌های سراسری

Nationwide Protests; In Sistan and Baluchistan Province, at Least Ten Citizens Were Arrested in the Cities of Chabahar, Zahedan and Mirjaveh

Security forces arrested at least 10 citizens in Chabahar, Zahedan and Mirjaveh in Sistan and Baluchistan province. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; In recent days, Moslem Gholami and...
اعتراض های سراسری

51 Protesting Citizens in Malekan and Qom Cities Were Arrested by Security Forces

The security forces arrested at least 51 citizens in Malekan and Qom. Also, three citizens arrested in Malekan and Behbahan named Behnam Manjezi, Sanaz Razavifard and Milad Alipour, were released on bail. Shiva Musa...
اعتراض‌های جاری

Gilan; The Special Police Unit Forces Have Arrested 739 Citizens During the Current Protests

The special police unit forces in Gilan province have arrested 739 citizens during the ongoing protests in this province. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil prisoners; on Saturday September 24...
لطف الله احمدی

Arrest of a Citizen by Security Forces in Sanandaj

Security forces arrested Lotfollah Ahmadi, a civil activist and members of the Chamchileh mountaineering group and took them to an unknown place. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; In...
بازداشت شهروندان

Arrest of a Citizen by Security Forces in Bukan

Security agents in Bukan city arrested a citizen named Ismail Karimi and took him to an unknown location. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ismail Karimi, married and with...
نوید کهنه‌پوشی

Navid Kohneposhi, an Environmental Activist, was Arrested

The security forces in Marivan city arrested Navid Kohneposhi and transferred him to an unknown location. This citizen has been arrested on charges of cooperation with one of the opposition Kurdish parties. According to the...

Mahboubeh Ramezani and Rahimeh Yousefzadeh were Released After the Interrogation Process

Mahboubeh Ramezani, Pejman Qolipour’s mother, and Rahimeh Yousefzadeh, Navid Behboudhi’s mother, the victims of November 2019, were temporarily released from the detention center upon the completion of the interrogation process and setting a bond. According...
هیمن مام قادری،

Urmia Central Prison; Hayman Mam Qadri Has Been Denied Access to Medical Services

Heyman Mam Qadri, an arrested citizen from Bukan, after 18 days since his arrest, is still in custody with a state of suspension in Urmia prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
محمد رسول اف و مصطفی آل احمد

Mohammad Rasoulof and Mostafa Al-Ahmed were Arrested by the Security Forces in Tehran

Mohammad Rasoulof and Mustafa Al-Ahmed, directors of Iranian cinema, were arrested by the security forces and taken to an unknown location. It is said that the arrest of these people was made in connection...

منوچهر آقایی سردبیر پایگاه خبری میاندوآب «پرس» جهت تحمل احکام صادره خود راهی زندان شد

منوچهر آقایی سردبیر پایگاه خبری میاندوآب پرس، جهت اجرای حکم حبس راهی زندان میاندوآب شد. به گزارش کمپین دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی و مدنی؛ منوچهر آقایی سردبیر پایگاه خبری میاندوآب پرس، روز چهارشنبه پنجم آبان...

“برادرم هر روز اعدام را تجربه کرد، اما هرگز به زانو نیفتاد”

گفتگو با برادر منصور آروند زندانی سیاسی اعدام شده در زندان میاندوآب + فایل صوتی «منصور آروند» زندانی سیاسی کُرد، سحرگاه یکشنبه ۲۴ خردادماه ۱۳۹۴، در زندان میاندوآب اعدام شد. برادر این زندانی در گفتگو...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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