چهارشنبه 23 اکتبر 2024 تهران 07:58

کلیدواژه: drugs

حسین بهره‌مند

Execution of a Prisoner in Hamadan Prison

The death sentence of a prisoner named Hossein Baherhmand, who was previously sentenced to (execution) on charges related to "narcotics" crimes, was executed in Hamadan prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...
زندان مرکزی مشهد (وکیل آباد)

The Execution of a Baloch Man in Mashhad Central Prison (Vakil Abad)

The sentence of a prisoner named Saeed Brahui Makaki, who was previously sentenced to death in relation to "narcotic drugs", was executed in Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad. According to the Campaign for the Defense...
زندان قزل‌حصار کرج

Execution of Three Prisoners on the Charge of “Drugs” in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj

The death sentence of three prisoners named Kiyomars Rezaei, Rahman Ebrahimi and Behrouz Rahmani, who were sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotics", was executed in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj. According to the...
زندان مرکزی شیراز (عادل آباد)

Execution of Two Prisoners on the Charge of “Narcotics” in Shiraz Central Prison (Adel Abad)

The sentences of two prisoners who were sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotic drugs" were performed in Shiraz central prison (Adel Abad). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...
علیرضا محمدپور (شاهوزهی) و صفر محمدپور (شاهوزهی)

Execution of Two Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotics” in Torbat-e-Jam Prison

The death sentence of Alireza Mohammadpour (Shahouzahi) and Safar Mohammadpour (Shahouzahi), two imprisoned brothers who were previously convicted on the charge of "narcotics" was executed in Torbat-e-Jam prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense...
زندان مرکزی کرج

Execution of Three Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotics” in Karaj Central Prison

The sentences of three prisoners who were sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotics" were performed in Karaj Central Prison (penitentiary). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on...

The Death Sentence for Three Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotic Drugs” was Performed in Zahedan Central Prison

The death sentence for three prisoners accused of narcotic crimes, named Noorahmad Totazahi, Gholam Rasool Mazarzahi and Anoushirvan Omarzehi, was performed in Zahedan Central Prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
مهرالله ریگی

The Death Sentence of a Prisoner on Charges of “Narcotics” was Performed in Qom Prison

The death sentence of a prisoner from Sistan and Baluchistan named Mehrullah Rigi was performed in Langroud prison of Qom province on drug charges. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...

حبس اندر حبس زندانیانی که پیش‌تر محکوم شده‌اند!

گزارشی در مورد محکومیت مجدد روزنامه‌نگاران و فعالین مدنی در پایان حبس  عیسی بازیار: بسیاری از محکومین دادگاه‌های انقلاب که در فعالیت‌های مدنی و یا روزنامه‌نگاری فعالیت داشته‌اند با اجرای احکام سنگین، روانه‌ی زندان‌های جمهوری...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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