پنج‌شنبه 19 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 19:34

کلیدواژه: dear broadcast

زندان اوین

Denial of Family Contact and Visits for Fifteen Female Prisoners in Evin Prison

As of Tuesday, August 6, 2024, fifteen female political prisoners in Evin Prison, including Pakhshan Azizi, Elaheh Fouladi, Narges Mohammadi, and Golrokh Iraee, have been denied contact and visits with their families by order...
وریشه مرادی و پخشان عزیزی

Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi Return to the Evin Prison General Ward After 4-Day Hunger Strike

Varisheh Moradi, a Kurdish female activist, and Pakhshan Azizi, a civil activist who had gone on a hunger strike to protest the uncertainty of their cases and the transfer of Ms. Moradi to Ward...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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