دوشنبه 16 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 23:04

کلیدواژه: Campaign to Defend Political and Civil Prisoners

سیامک ابراهیمی و شاهرخ احمدی

Tehran Security Forces; Continuation of Detention and Indecision for Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrukh Ahmadi

Continuity of detention and uncertainty about the fate of two civil activists named Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrukh Ahmadi, these people were arrested in front of their house for unknown reasons. According to the Campaign for...
زندان مرکزی کرج

Execution of Three Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotics” in Karaj Central Prison

The sentences of three prisoners who were sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotics" were performed in Karaj Central Prison (penitentiary). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on...
سام رجبی

Sam Rajabi, a Political Prisoner, was Sent on Leave from Evin Prison

Sam Rajabi, a political prisoner imprisoned in Evin prison, was sent on leave after posting bail. He was previously sentenced to six years in prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for...

Execution of a Prisoner Accused of “Intentional Murder” in Neishabour Prison

The sentence for a prisoner named Parviz Forutani, who was sentenced to self-retribution (execution) on the charge of "intentional murder", was performed in Neishabour prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
سعید مدنی

The 9-Year Imprisonment Sentence for Saeed Madani was Confirmed in Tehran Province Appeals Court

The 9-year sentence for Saeed Madani, a writer, sociologist and former political prisoner, was confirmed by the Court of Appeal in Tehran. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in...
آرین کوخایی‌

22-Year-Old Arin Koukhaei, From Elam, Started Hunger Strike by Sewing his Lips Together

Arin Koukhaei, who was arrested by the security forces during the current protests and transferred to Ilam prison, started a hunger strike and sewed his lips to protest the lack of processing of his...
زینب موسوی

Qom Revolution Court; Zainab Mousavi’s Two-Year Prison Sentence was Confirmed

The verdicts issued by the Qom Revolutionary Court against Zeinab Mousavi, the Iranian comedian and creator of the "Emperor of Cuzco" character, were confirmed by the Court of Appeal. According to the Campaign for the...

The Death Sentence for Three Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotic Drugs” was Performed in Zahedan Central Prison

The death sentence for three prisoners accused of narcotic crimes, named Noorahmad Totazahi, Gholam Rasool Mazarzahi and Anoushirvan Omarzehi, was performed in Zahedan Central Prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...

Nationwide Protests; A Hearing on Three Detained Citizens Charges was Held in Karaj

The second session of the court hearing on charges against three people who were detained during the nationwide protests was held in the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for...
هژیر باخویشی

Tehran Revolutionary Court; A Court Hearing was Held on Hojir Bakhoishi’s Charges

The court hearing for Hojir Bakhoishi's charges was held at the branch of Tehran Revolutionary Court. He was previously accused of conspiring and colluding against the security of the country. According to the Campaign for...

Nationwide Protests; The First Hearing on the Charges Against 15 Detained Citizens, Including Three Children, Was Held at the Karaj Revolutionary Court

The court first session of the hearing for the case of 15 people arrested during nationwide protests, including three children, was held by the first branch of Karaj Revolutionary Court. According to the Campaign for...
علیرضا آدینه

Alireza Adineh, a Poet and Literary Activist, was Arrested by the Security Forces

The security forces arrested Alireza Adineh, a poet and literary activist, and taken him to an unknown place. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; On the morning of Wednesday,...
کُردستان در محاصره ناقضان حقوق بشر

“Kurdistan is Besieged by Human Rights Violators/ Raise an Outcry to Prevent Human Catastrophe”

Press Release by the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners in Iran Since the beginning of the revolutionary uprising of Zina (Mahsa) Amini in Kurdistan and Iran, the Islamic regime that is...
اعتراض‌های سراسری

Nationwide Protests; Confirmation of Death Sentences and Long Prison Terms for Four Detained Citizens by Tehran Revolutionary Court

The branch 9 of the Supreme Court confirmed the death sentences and prison terms issued by the primary court against seven citizens detained in a security case. According to the Campaign for the Defense of...
Mohammad Javaheri, Binyamin Moghdisi and Azin Saidi Nasab

Nationwide Protests; The Tehran Revolutionary Court Sentenced Three Students to More Than 14 Years of Imprisonment and Additional Punishments

The 29th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Ali Mazloum, issued a verdict and sentenced Binyamin Moghdisi to prison. Also, the Tehran Revolutionary Court, by issuing a verdict, sentenced Tehran University student...

Nationwide Protests; Six Citizens Were Arrested in Zanjan Province on the Charge of “Writing Slogans”.

Intelligence forces of IRGC have arrested several citizens in Zanjan province. They have been accused of writing slogans on the wall. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; In recent...
اعتراض‌های سراسری

Nationwide Protests; In Sistan and Baluchistan Province, at Least Ten Citizens Were Arrested in the Cities of Chabahar, Zahedan and Mirjaveh

Security forces arrested at least 10 citizens in Chabahar, Zahedan and Mirjaveh in Sistan and Baluchistan province. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners; In recent days, Moslem Gholami and...
اعتراض های سراسری

51 Protesting Citizens in Malekan and Qom Cities Were Arrested by Security Forces

The security forces arrested at least 51 citizens in Malekan and Qom. Also, three citizens arrested in Malekan and Behbahan named Behnam Manjezi, Sanaz Razavifard and Milad Alipour, were released on bail. Shiva Musa...
پیام باستانی پاریزی

Payam Bastani Parisi, a Former Political Prisoner, was Arrested by the Security Forces in Tehran

The security forces in Tehran arrested Payam Bastani Parisi and after completing the interrogation process, he was transferred to the Great Tehran Prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners;...
مهسا امینی

The Expose Judicial Branch’s Letter by ” Adalat Ali”: Mahsa Amini’s Head Hit the Curb During her Arrest

The hacker group "Adalat Ali" has published documents on its Telegram channel about the cause of Mahsa Amini's death after she was arrested by Morality Police (Geshte Irshad), which has been widely shared on...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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