پنج‌شنبه 19 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 05:20

کلیدواژه: Campaign to Defend Political and Civil Prisoners

عبدالله مومنی

Abdullah Momeni was Arrested by Security Forces in Tehran

Security forces in Tehran arrested Abdullah Momeni, a political activist. He was arrested in his own home. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on the morning of Thursday April...
جمشید شارمهد

Jamshid Sharmahd’s Death Sentence on “Corruption in the Land” charge was Confirmed by the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court uphold Jamshid Sharmahd’s death sentence. He was previously sentenced to death by the Tehran Revolutionary Court on the charge of "corruption on earth". According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political...

Notice to “Sealing” for Seven Business Units in Tehran

The Public Places Supervision Department of the police force issued a sealing warning to six restaurants and a commercial complex in Tehran. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, during...
فریبا زندکریمی

A Pending Case for Fariba Zandkarimi, an Educator from Sanandaj, After More Than Two Months of Arrest and Detention

Fariba Zandkarimi, an education system worker from Sanandaj, despite of more than two months detention, still has been denied access to a lawyer and other citizen rights of a defendant. According to the Campaign for...
محسن قریشی

Mohsen Ghoreyshi was Arrested and Transferred to Great Tehran Penitentiary

Mohsen Ghoreyshi, one of those arrested during the November 2019 protests, was arrested by the security forces in Shahryar city. He has been arrested to serve his three years and six months of imprisonment. According...
شیرکو روشنی

Forced Confessions; Shirkoh Roushani was Transferred from Marivan Prison to a Detention Center in Sanandaj After Meeting with His Family

Shirkoh Roushani was again transferred to the Ministry of Information in Sanandaj for interrogation and torture. A day after he met his family, he was again transferred to solitary confinement in Sanandaj. He has...
ستایش داروغه و ستایش امیری

The Arrest of Three Girls in Connection with “Serial Poisonings” by the Security Forces in Lorestan

Irfaneh Honar, Setayesh Darogheh and Setayesh Amiri were arrested by the security forces in connection with the serial poisonings in Lorestan and were taken to the quarantine ward of Adel Abad prison in Shiraz. According...
رادا فاتحی

Rada Fatehi was Summoned to Sanandaj Criminal Court

Rada Fatehi was summoned to Sanandaj Criminal Court. She was informed earlier by receiving a written notification to present the last defense. There is still no information about the accusations against Mrs. Fatehi. According to...

Two Sunni Teachers were Arrested by the Security Forces in Mahabad

Mullah Farooq Ahmadi and Mullah Abdul Qadir Qadri were arrested by the security forces i Mahabad. There is still no information about the accusations against these two Sunni teachers. According to the Campaign for the...
ماموستا محمد باغبانی

Summoning Teacher Mohammad Baghbani, Haider Karar Mosque’s Imam in Sanandaj to the Hamedan Clergy Court

Teacher Mohammad Baghbani, Haider Karar Mosque’s Imam in Sanandaj, was summoned to the Hamedan Clergy Court. There is still no information about the charges against this cleric. According to the Campaign for the Defense of...
روح الله حیدری

Ruhollah Heydari was Arrested by Security Forces in Qazvin

The security forces arrested Ruhollah Heydari and took him to an unknown place. There is still no information about the alleged accusations against him. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil...

Sealing Four Business on the Charge of “Holding a Different Dances and Live Improper Music Event” in Abadanan and Kashan

The Police Force Department of Supervision of Public Places in Abadan and Kashan cities sealed off four businesses and prevented them from continuing their business. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
ندامتگاه مرکز کرج

The Death of a Prisoner in the Central Penitentiary of Karaj due to the Negligence of the Medical Officer and Giving the Wrong Medicine

The health officer of Hall No. 8 in Karaj Central Prison was transferred to solitary confinement. Reason for transfer was his negligence and giving the wrong medicine to a prisoner, which led to his...

Golestan Province; a Cyberspace Activist was Arrested by Police in Aliabad Katul,

Police force of Aliabad Katul from Golestan province arrested a cyberspace activist. He has been arrested on the charge of "publishing falsehoods with the intention of disturbing the public mind". According to the Campaign for...
سهند نورمحمدزاده

Sahand Noor Mohammadzadeh’s Death Sentence was “Cancelled”, But He was Sentenced to Exile and Prison on the Charge of “Warfare”.

The death sentence for Sahand Noor Mohammadzadeh, a bodybuilder, was canceled in court. However, due to charges such as moharebeh(combat), he was sentenced to 10 years of exile to Kohnuj in Kerman province, five...
استان قم

Arrest of Several Citizens Following a Clash With (Amer Be Maruf – Ordering Good) Staff in Qom

Police officers in Qom province arrested several women after a fight with (Amer Be Maruf). According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, in recent days, several citizens were arrested by...
محمدعمر ریگی

Sistan and Baluchestan; After More than 53 Days of Detention, Still no Decision on Mohammad Omar Rigi’s Case

Mohammad Omar Rigi, a Sunni citizen, is in the detention center of one of the security agencies with pending and indecision case, after more than 53 days of his arrest. According to the Campaign for...
شیلان کُردستانی

Shilan Kurdestani was Sentenced to Three Years and Four Months in Prison

The Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj sentenced Shilan Kurdestani to imprisonment. She was previously tried on charges such as “membership in a group with the intention of disrupting the country's security”, “membership in the Jivano...
آنا بانیرا

Ana Baneira, a Spanish Citizen, was Released and Returned to her Country

Ana Baneira, a Spanish citizen arrested by the security forces, was released after interrogation and returned to her country. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Saturday, February 25th,...
علیرضا محمدپور (شاهوزهی) و صفر محمدپور (شاهوزهی)

Execution of Two Prisoners on Charges of “Narcotics” in Torbat-e-Jam Prison

The death sentence of Alireza Mohammadpour (Shahouzahi) and Safar Mohammadpour (Shahouzahi), two imprisoned brothers who were previously convicted on the charge of "narcotics" was executed in Torbat-e-Jam prison. According to the Campaign for the Defense...

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