دوشنبه 16 سپتامبر 2024 تهران 22:50

کلیدواژه: Ahmad Turkmani

جمعه ترکمانی و احمد ترکمانی

Jomaa Torkamani and Ahmad Torkamani Were Released

Jomaa Torkamani and Ahmad Torkamani, who were arrested during a gathering and sit-in by the people of Rameshk, were released on Saturday, May 18, 2024. According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and...
جمعه ترکمانی و احمد ترکمانی

Two Citizens Arrested in Qaleh Ganj

Jammeh Turkmani and Ahmad Turkmani, two residents of Rameshk in Qaleh Ganj County, Kerman province , were arrested by security forces and transferred to an undisclosed location on Monday May 13th, 2024. According to the...

کمپین را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی ببینید

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