Esmail Abdi, Teachers’ Union Activist, Sentenced to Early Retirement

اسماعیل عبدی

Esmail Abdi, a teachers’ union activist, has been sentenced to early retirement by the Administrative Violations Review Board of the Tehran Provincial Education Department.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Esmail Abdi was sentenced to early retirement by the Primary Review Board of the Tehran County Education Department’s Administrative Violations Office.

This ruling was issued due to Abdi’s participation in sit-in protests and union protests by teachers, “applying group pressure to achieve illegal goals,” and “leading national teacher protests.”

His presence at gatherings that led to his arrest and conviction was also cited as one of the main reasons for this decision.

The case against Abdi was filed in July 2024. Under this ruling, he is entitled to receive 45 days of basic pay for each year of service.

Esmail Abdi had previously been arrested and convicted multiple times. On November 13, 2023, he was released from Kachooyi Prison in Karaj on bail, pending the completion of his trial.

He was also summoned to the Tehran IRGC Intelligence Office on May 1, 2024, on International Workers’ Day, where he was interrogated for several hours before being released.

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