Public Execution of a Man Convicted of Murdering a Lawyer

اعدام در ملاء عام

The execution of a prisoner previously convicted of murdering Mahmoud Reza Jafar Aghaei, a defense attorney, was carried out at dawn today, Monday, August 26, 2024, in the city of Shahroud.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the sentence was executed despite the fact that the main suspect in this case had shot and killed the lawyer in one of Shahroud’s streets in August 2022.

The Second Branch of the Criminal Court of Semnan Province had sentenced the main suspect to public execution, and this verdict was upheld by the 49th Branch of the Supreme Court late in 2023.

It should be noted that the individual who had ordered the murder of the defense attorney by paying a sum of money was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role as an accomplice in the murder.

The public execution of this sentence once again raises concerns about the increasing
number of executions in Iran and the use of capital punishment as a deterrent.

لازم به ذکر است سازمان حقوق بشر ایران، اسم این زندانی را که روز جاری در ملاء‌عام اعدام شده است را امیررضا عجم‌ اکرمی احراز کرده است. در ادامه اعلامیه این جوان ۲۲ ساله شاهرودی می‌آید:

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