Arrest of Iranian Kurdish Citizen Gelavizh Mohammadi-Arshad in Mahabad

گلاویژ محمدی‌ارشد

Gelavizh Mohammadi-Arshad, an Iranian Kurdish citizen from Mahabad, was arrested by security forces in Mahabad on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, reports indicate that Ms. Mohammadi-Arshad was arrested by security officers who surrounded her with several vehicles while she was returning from work on Baghe Shayegan Street.

No official information has been released regarding the reasons for her arrest, the charges against her, or her current whereabouts.

Ms. Mohammadi-Arshad’s family has not been able to obtain any information about her condition since her arrest. The detention of this citizen has raised concerns about human rights violations in the region, particularly regarding the rights of ethnic minorities.

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