Baluch Prisoner Edris Jamshidzehi Executed for Killing a Basiji in Zahedan

ادریس جمشیدزهی

At dawn on Thursday, July 18, 2024, the execution of Edris Jamshidzehi, a Baluch prisoner, was carried out in Zahedan Central Prison.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Jamshidzehi, approximately 45 years old and a resident of Tigh Ap village in Iranshahr, was sentenced to death for the murder of Seyed Abdulkarim Sajadi, a Basiji commander.

Jamshidzehi was arrested in 2017 and forced to make confessions under torture. He repeatedly denied the charges in court.

Sajadi, a member of the Basij and IRGC in the Bazman and Iranshahr area, was killed in front of his home in Iranshahr in April 2017.

The execution of Jamshidzehi has sparked reactions from human rights activists, who view this action as a severe violation of human rights and a continuation of the suppression of ethnic minorities in Iran.

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