Sharifeh Mohammadi, Labor Activist, Sentenced to Death on Charges of “Rebellion”

شریفه محمدی

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor and civil activist, was sentenced to death on Thursday, July 4, 2024, by the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court in Rasht on charges of “rebellion.”

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, Ms. Mohammadi was arrested in December of the previous year and held in solitary confinement for several months. Her initial charge was “propaganda against the regime,” which was later changed to “rebellion.”

Sharifeh Mohammadi was arrested on December 5, 2023, on charges of “propaganda against the regime,” and later accused of membership in the “Armed Komala Group.”

According to human rights activists, Sharifeh Mohammadi was subjected to severe physical and psychological pressure to obtain a forced confession during her detention.
She was also denied visits and phone calls with her family for an extended period.

Reports indicate that Ms. Mohammadi was tortured at least twice. She is accused of “membership in the Coordinating Committee to Help Form Workers’ Organizations,” which security forces allege is linked to “Komala.” The Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi issued a statement calling the verdict “unjust” and demanding its repeal.

Additionally, the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Workers’ Syndicate and several labor and civil activists have issued separate statements condemning the death sentence and calling for her release.

The issuance of this sentence for Sharifeh Mohammadi, who faces severe charges due to her peaceful labor activities, has once again raised concerns about the human rights situation in Iran, particularly regarding labor and civil activists.

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