29 Citizens Arrested in Shirvan on Charges of “Satanism”

شیطان پرستی

The police commander of North Khorasan announced the arrest of 29 citizens in Shirvan and accused them of “Satanism” and “possession of alcohol and drugs.”

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, 29 men and women were arrested by police officers in Shirvan.

The police commander of North Khorasan accused these individuals of “Satanism” and stated that they were arrested in a lodge.

Colonel Saeed Motahari Zadeh claimed that “alcoholic beverages, Satanic instruments, and various hallucinogenic substances” were also discovered at the location.

The identities and whereabouts of these individuals have not been disclosed.

The arrest of these individuals on charges of “Satanism” has faced criticism from human rights activists.

Critics consider this action a violation of privacy and individual freedoms.

They also believe that the charge of “Satanism” is generally used to suppress dissidents and different thinker in Iran.

It should be noted that no evidence has been provided so far to substantiate the allegations against these individuals.

Moreover, the charge of “Satanism” is not considered a crime in Iran.

According to IRNA,

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