Two Citizens Arrested in Qaleh Ganj

جمعه ترکمانی و احمد ترکمانی

Jammeh Turkmani and Ahmad Turkmani, two residents of Rameshk in Qaleh Ganj County, Kerman province , were arrested by security forces and transferred to an undisclosed location on Monday May 13th, 2024.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, the arrest of these individuals coincided with the gathering and fortification of Rameshk residents protesting the situation of the copper mine in the area.

The identities of these individuals have been reported as ” Jammeh Turkmani, 45 years old, son of Mosa” and “Ahmad Turkmani, 40 years old, son of Morad.”

Reports indicate that these individuals were arrested by intelligence forces in front of the Rameshk copper mine.

So far, no information has been received about the location of detention and the allegations against these citizens.

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